Commercial Roof Cleaning

Prolong Your Investment

Roof Cleaning for Long-Lasting Commercial Roofs

Keeping your commercial roof clean is crucial to getting the most out of it. A dirty roof can cause drainage problems, decrease energy efficiency, and even encourage the growth of unwanted vegetation. To maintain your roof’s condition and longevity, cleaning and maintaining it properly without causing any damage is essential.

Benefits of Commercial Roof Cleaning:

3-Step Roof Cleaning Process

At Kaliber, we use a 3-step process to clean your commercial or industrial roof effectively. Our process includes power washing, scrubbing, and using a non-abrasive, environmentally friendly cleaner with a high pH level to keep your roof in excellent shape.

Our eco-friendly method effectively eliminates various types of contaminants, such as dirt, debris, mold, and algae, from the surface of your roof.

For thorough and effective cleaning, we recommend utilizing a flat surface pressure washer that can operate at high temperatures to cleanse and rinse away any contaminants deeply.

Our post-cleaning treatment is an eco-friendly and sustainable solution that can help prolong your roof’s cleanliness.

It is recommended to clean your roof at least once during the spring and fall seasons to maximize its benefits and prolong its lifespan and efficiency. Roof cleanings are frequently suggested as part of our preventative maintenance program.